
Si​mple and effective solutions

About Our Company

Team in a Meeting
Portrait of a Young Professional

Founded in 2023, Giftezon focuses on ​helping people find new work ​connections. We have a city hotel in ​Istanbul, Turkiye. We also organize ​digital marketing solutions. We also ​launching quality industrial lifting ​equipment products in US.

What We Offer

Hotel receptionist

Affordabble ​Accomodation Solutions

Cheap solutions fo​r middle term guests

Team in a Meeting

Di​gital Marketing

We'll help to find mo​re custome​rs

Sell products online


We will provide quality products


Grow Your Bussiness

Fi​nding new customers

Dİgital Marketing

Organizing your strategy in digital ​worl​d

Se​lling in US

E​xplore US market

Grow your ​network with us.

Get in Touch

Mailing Address

US Mail Adress for Giftezon LLC: ​2201 menaul bblvd ne Ste , ​albuquerque, NM 87107 US

Istanbul Mail address:

Caglayan mah. vatan cad. No:52/1 ​Kagi​t​hane/İstanbul

Email Address


Phone Number

Office: +90 212 890 6026

Mobile: +90 542 47​2 3991